Warrior Operational Medicine Clinic
The WOMC provides acute, routine, readiness, and wellness services to active duty, National Guard, and reserve service members, by appointment only, to enrolled TRICARE Prime beneficiaries. In-person and telemedicine appointments are available at your convenience. Some care may not be available via telemedicine, and this may or may not be known until your appointment time. Your PCM team will work with you to coordinate care and ensure the best care is provided based on your medical needs.
Sick Call: Currently, there’s no sick call (or similar walk-in PCM services) available at the MTF. Please call 781-225-6789 for further assistance.
Pregnancy/Obstetric Care: No pregnancy or obstetric care is available at the MTF. For post-partum profiles, please hand carry the child’s birth certificate to the Military Personnel Flight. If you’re currently pregnant, or believe that you may be, please call 781-225-6789 and leave a message for your health care team. Your team will call to assess your needs and coordinate further pregnancy-related care.
Health care Timeline Recommendations (*Disclaimer: If symptomatic or any questions/concerns, do not hesitate to contact clinic/PCM sooner. There may be additional screenings recommended based on your specific medical history.)
- Breast Cancer Screening Recommends that all women get screened for breast cancer every other year, starting at age 40 and continuing through age 74.
- Colorectal Cancer Screening Recommends screening for colorectal cancer in all adults aged 45-75 years.
- Cervical Cancer Screening Recommend begin testing every three years at age 21, unless notified otherwise by care team.
- Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Screening Recommended in adults aged 35-70 years who are overweight or obese.
- Lung Cancer Screening Recommends annual screening for lung cancer in adults aged 50-80 years who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. Ask your PCM for more information on interventions, education, counseling to quit smoking.
MHS GENESIS Patient Portal
We encourage you to use the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal to exchange messages with our clinic staff. To send us a message, search your PCM or “Hanscom Active Duty Care,” and after receiving your message, a member from your PCM team will be in touch. If you send a message on the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, please allow up to 72 hours for it to process.
What is the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal?
The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal provides access to your Electronic Health Record and contains your most current medical and dental information via a secure website. It connects you to your MTF’s health care team and is available anytime, anywhere you have internet access, and provides a complete view of you and your family’s health records.